2020-09-052020-09-05https://dspacecris7.4science.cloud/handle/123456789/34DSpace-CRIS is the first free open-source extension of DSpace for the Research Data and Information Management ever developed. Differently from other (commercial) CRIS/RIMS (star), DSpace-CRIS has the institutional repository as its core component, providing high visibility on the web to all the collected information and objects. DSpace-CRIS broadens DSpace functionality and expands its data model while remaining aligned with its code base. DSpace-CRIS adopts/is compliant with international standards and practices to facilitate interoperability and data transfer: - ORCID API v2 (complete compliance including pull/push of info for profiles, publications, projects). ORCID API v3 compliance is being released. - Signposting and ResourceSync (which implement COAR NGR Recommended Behaviors) - OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repository Managers v4, for Data Archives, for CRIS Managers v1.1.1 (based on CERIF, released Nov. 2019) - PlanS (by Coalition S) - FAIR principles The main characteristic of DSpace-CRIS is its flexible data model, which allows you to collect and manage research data and information typical of a CRIS system, to define entities and attributes with their reciprocal links. If you would just want to enhance the management of authors, provide name variants and IDs such as the ORCiD, exploit the varied ecosystem of persistent identifiers, link researchers to projects, awards, etc., DSpace-CRIS flexible data model can support this without aggravating the management burden of a normal institutional repository, while giving a great added value. Besides, it has useful features such as the collaboration network graph, aggregated (by researcher, by department) bibliometrics and statistics with graphic reporting, CVs and bibliographies, integration with ORCiD API v.3 and much more, you can explore them vie the menu items here on the left. Its flexibility allows to configure different data models and metadata schemas, providing the community with new and creative uses of DSpace, such as DSpace-GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) for the Cultural Heritage.datamanagementopensourcecerifDSpace-CRISapplied research