DSpace-CRIS 7

DSpace-CRIS is the first free and open-source extension of DSpace for Research Data and Information Management ever developed.

DSpace-CRIS has the institutional repository as its core component, providing high visibility online of the collected information and objects. DSpace-CRIS broadens DSpace functionality and expands its data model while remaining aligned with its code base.

DSpace-CRIS adopts and ensures compliance with international standards and practices to facilitate interoperability, data transfer and sharing. Key features:

  • Full ORCID v3 integration (push/pull information)
  • Integration with dozen external data sources, including commercial ones, to retrieve bibliographic and bibliometric data
  • Support for decentralised management, self-service researcher profile management and approval workflows
  • Aligned to the latest OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories, Data Archives and CRIS Managers
  • Data quality tools ensure that your information is always complete and accurate

Join the international community of leading institutions using DSpace-CRIS.

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    Regional Portal FVG: Effective Interoperability Through DSpace-CRIS and Open Standards
    Trampus, Romano
    Piščanc, Jordan
    Balbi L.
    Mennielli M.
    ; ;
    © 2017 The Authors. Friuli-VeneziaGiulia (FVG) Regional Scientific System includes three Public Research Institutions, three Universities, four International Institutions, four Technological Parks in FVG region in North-East Italy. In 2014 the three Universities started to cooperate for a common research output inside a project named UnityFVG: United Universities-FVG. They already have 10 years experience in OA with four Institutional Repositories (DSpace/DSpace-CRIS based) and more than 100,000 Research Publications. So they decided to provide a single point of access under a new Regional Research Portal based on DSpace-CRIS. The project, with the technical support of Cineca consortium, offers a great opportunity to improve the interoperability of DSpace-CRIS based solutions. The European standard for the research domain, CERIF, is the best option to drive rich information to the portal in a standard and reusable way. A plugin/patch for DSpace will be freely available to enable data export using CERIF-XML over OAI-PMH. CERIF-XML will be available for all the main entities (People, Projects, Organizations, Journals, Conferences, Dataset, Publications and metrics). The DSpace OAI-PMH harvester will be extended to support ingestion of complex, interconnected information as provided by the CERIF-XML format. This will enable content replication between DSpace-CRIS instances and easy setup of public OA oriented portals.
    Scopus© Citations 1  669  64
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    Bollini, Andrea
    I’m responsible for all the technological aspects of the company proposal, from the final solutions to tools, methodologies and technologies adopted for the production and support activities. Among my responsibilities, I define the infrastructure that best fits the project requirements. We provide support on premis on the customer data center and worldwide cloud providers. Our hosted solutions are powered by Amazon Web Services, our experience in their services allow us to offer best in class solutions, scalable and cost-optimized. I’m in charge of the planning, estimation and execution of the projects from the technical perspective, and of the preparation of technical annexes for national and international tenders. I lead the teams of software architects and developers, assuring the adoption of best practices and up-to-date technologies. I’m in charge of the scouting and integration of new technologies and products within our solutions with a particular focus on Open Source and Open Standards. I’m directly involved with open-source and domain communities to assure that our solutions remain aligned with the international trends both from the technical perspective and for the functional requirements.
    Scopus© H-Index 2  23Scopus© Cited By 30Scopus© Citations 30  6  11843  547
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    DSpace-CRIS 7
    This version fully supports the use cases for a modern repository and RIMS / CRIS system. It is targeted to new users as migration from previous version still requires custom data extraction and transformation. With DSpace-CRIS 7, 4Science is delighted to announce a number of key enhancements which improve the flexibility, integration, data quality and accuracy of DSpace-CRIS: Full ORCID v3 integration (push/pull information) Integration with dozen external data sources, including commercial ones, to retrieve bibliographic and bibliometric data Support for decentralised management, self-service researcher profile management and approval workflows Alignment to the latest OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories, Data Archives and CRIS Managers Data quality tools to ensure that your information is always complete and accurate These enhancements with DSpace-CRIS 7 build on the new DSpace 7 architecture, featuring a new Angular UI and a fully-featured REST API. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE THE CORRESPONDING ANGULAR RELEASE IN 4Science/dspace-angular Architecture Aligned with DSpace 7 full REST API with a documented contract Modern Angular SPA UI Authentication DSpace-CRIS can be integrated with several Identity Provider ranging from Shibboleth, LDAP, OpenID Connect, ORCID to a local username/password (encrypted) database Data collection Submission process for all the entities in the OpenAIRE CRIS information space (Publications, Patents, Products, People, OrgUnits, Projects, Fundings, Equipments, Journals) Import from external sources available for most entity types: Fundings from OpenAIRE, Patents from the European Patent Office, OrgUnits from Sherpa/RoMEO (publisher), People from ORCID, Publications from ORCID, PubMed, CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, OpenAIRE, arXiv, NASA/ADS, CiNii, Scielo, VuFind, PubMed Europe), Journals from Sherpa/RoMEO Automatic enrichment of manual submission looking up to the external providers by identifiers Bulk operations (creation, update, delete) via xls on all the entities with easy cross-linking (any identifier can be used to link any kind of entities, i.e. publications to a person via an ORCID, staffno, etc) and future reference (link to an entity that is not yet in the system via an identifier that will be resolved later). Bulk operations are validated against your data model, submission configuration and security (mandatory and available fields, relations, etc.) Publication Metadata extraction from Scholarly PDF via machine vision (based on the Grobid project) Receive automatic alert from compatible providers (OpenAIRE, ORCID) about missing publications or wrong/incomplete data on existing records Automatically import new publications for your researcher from Scopus and Web of Science Grab bibliometrics data for your publications and authors from Scopus and Web of Science Manage complex structured data as nested metadata and ternary relations Data presentation Define sections and entry points to explore your repository composing configurable widget such as sorted list of objects (Most viewed, Most cited, Recent additions, etc.), infographics for key indicators (number of publications, researchers, etc.), search facets, browse indexes, advanced search form and branding messages Easily organise your data without code change in tabs and boxes Include references to linked entities in any entity page (i.e. the list of publications of a researcher, the list of funding received by a project, etc.) Present search results and linked entities in a graphical way with pies, lines, bar charts Export your researchers information in professional looking PDF/RDF CV Export details about your other entities (Funding, Projects, Organisations, etc.) in PDF/RDF fact sheets Export publications data in citation formats (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.) via CSL Show the bibliometrics collected for your publications and authors Include alternative metrics information for your publication from AltMetric and/or Dimension ORCID and authenticated ORCID are properly displayed in researcher profiles and linked records (publications, projects, etc.) Granular visibility at metadata level based on contextual rules (financial data of a funding visible only to the investigators involved in the * project, personal contact data only to HR people, etc.) Rich and extensible usage reports are available for all the entities including direct data (visualization and download) and aggregated data about the linked objects (visualization of researcher's publications, etc.). Data can be visualized in tabular and graphical form with maps and exportable charts (pie, line, bar). Reports can be produced for a specific time frame or since the system setup Profile management Researchers can manage directly selected information in their profiles and linked records List of linked objects in the profile can be amended, hiding unwanted objects (old research) and forcing a preferred visualization order (selected publications, projects, etc.) ORCID Synchronisation: the researcher can connect/disconect her local profile with ORCID to received suggestion about missing publication and push update to the ORCID registry ORCID preferences: it is possible to configure which details are synchronised (biographic information, affiliation, qualification, education, publications, funding) setting a manual or automatic (over the night) push Data quality & accuracy Identify potential duplicate during the submission and approval workflow Get flags for unrelated entities or uncertain matches (i.e. not identified authors in a publication, investigator in a project, etc.). Option to automatically create new records for specific entity types or manual curate the authorities Configurable lookup authorities both internals than externals, such as the personal staff, the ORCID registries, the recorded fundings, the * OpenAIRE project database and more default to international approved data model (CERIF / OpenAIRE) and controlled vocabularies (COAR) Retains identifier for external entities for future use and automatic match (i.e. ORCID of external authors) Enforced validation in bulk operation to guarantee that the record structure always match your definition (i.e. the proper metadata are used according to the entity definition) Receive automatic alert from compatible providers (OpenAIRE, ORCID) about missing publications or wrong/incomplete data on existing records Automatically ingest publications for your researchers from Scopus and Web of Science Configurable workflows by collection and entity types to involve librarians, research officer, legal, ethical and financial department in data input and verification Correction workflow to be used by less privileged user to request correction on existing record that need to be moderated Easily to monitor and organise tasks queue for approvals, changes in correction requests are highlighted Data security Enforced granular security at the metadata level across the whole platform: REST API, export and import tool, visualization Support for partial editing so that researcher can edit some (configurable) information in their profile and their related records without touching master data coming from external systems or under the Institution responsibility Easily access to an audit log of all the operations performed on a record REST API are protected using JWT, SSL, CSRF Token Interoperability Connectors to retrieve records (Publication, Person, Funding, OrgUnit, Journal) from 17 external data sources Connectors to retrieve bibliometrics data for your publications and authors from Scopus and Web of Science Full integration (push/pull) with ORCID via v3 API and support for WebHook (Premium API) Aligned to the latest OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories (v4, v3), Data Archives (v4 unreleased) and CRIS Managers (v1.1.1) Full REST API Export options in XML, CERIF XML, XLS for all the entities based on DSpace 7.0-SNAPSHOT (REST commit ebd54ff, Angular commit f85a5e6)
      208  21
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    Angular analysis of the decay $B^0 \to K^{*0} \mu^+ \mu^-$ from pp collisions at $\sqrt s = 8$ TeV

    The observation of the $\Lambda_\mathrm{b}^0 \to$J/$\psi \Lambda \phi$ decay is reported using proton-proton collision data collected at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 60 fb$^{-1}$. The ratio of the branching fractions $\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_\mathrm{b}^0 \to$J/$\psi \Lambda \phi)/\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_\mathrm{b}^0\to\psi \Lambda)$ is measured to be (8.26$\pm$0.90 (stat) $\pm$ 0.68 (syst) $\pm$ 0.11 $(\mathcal{B}))\times $10$^{-2}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the last uncertainty reflects the uncertainties in the world-average branching fractions of $\phi$ and $\psi$(2S) decays to the reconstructed final states.
      194  53
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    Organizational Unit
    4Science was established in 2015 to support universities, research and cultural institutes all around the world in managing and realizing digital projects. We guarantee full compliance with methodological and scientific international standards and we strongly support open source, open standards and interoperability protocols. The 4Science team of experts has gained decades of domain expertise and experience resulting from numerous collaborations with universities and research institutes.
      190  1