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Organizational Unit Untitled4Science was established in 2015 to support universities, research and cultural institutes all around the world in managing and realizing digital projects. We guarantee full compliance with methodological and scientific international standards and we strongly support open source, open standards and interoperability protocols. The 4Science team of experts has gained decades of domain expertise and experience resulting from numerous collaborations with universities and research institutes.190 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A visual analytics system to support tax evasion discovery(Publisher, 2018-06-01) ;Didimo W. ;Liotta G. ;Montecchiani F. ;Pagliuca D.Giamminonni, LucaThis paper describes TAXNET, a decision support system for tax evasion discovery, based on a powerful visual language and on advanced network visualization techniques. It has been developed in cooperation with the Italian Revenue Agency, where it is currently used. TAXNET allows users to visually define classes of suspicious patterns, it exploits effective graph pattern matching technologies to rapidly extract subgraphs that correspond to one or more patterns, it provides facilities to conveniently merge the results, and it implements new ad-hoc centrality indexes to rank taxpayers based on their fiscal risk. Moreover, it offers a visual interface to analyze and interact with those networks that match a desired pattern. The paper discusses the results of an experimental study and some use cases conducted with expert officers on real data and in a real working environment. The experiments give evidence of the effectiveness of our system.4 22 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Additional file 2 of Implementing personalised care planning for older people with frailty: a process evaluation of the PROSPER feasibility trial(2022-09-17) ;Kime, Nicky ;Wright, Alan ;Heaven, Anne ;Hawkins, Rebecca ;Smith, Jane ;Cundill, Bonnie ;Foy, Robbie ;Lawton, Rebecca ;Farrin, Amanda ;Hulme, ClaireClegg, AndrewAdditional file 2: Topic Guide 1. Age UK PIC / SW Post-Training Interview.8 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication al-Radd ʻalá al-Ismāʻīlīyah al-Qarāmiṭah wa sharḥ madhāhibuhum fī ṣadd ʻan sharāʼiʻ al-rusul wa al-duʻā ilá ifsād al-mamālik wa al-duwal wa-al-radd ʻlá sāʼir al-mulḥidīn /(al-Jāmiʻah al-Islāmīyah)Thubaytī,Fawāz ibn Abd Allah ibn Maʻyūḍ,4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 11 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Funding 20 Person Scopus© H-Index 5 8Scopus© Cited By 75Scopus© Citations 81 14 70 5247 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Dalla comprensione del testo alla risoluzione del problema: un’esperienza nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado(2022) ;Umberto Dello Iacono ;Eva Ferrara Dentice ;Chiara Vitina MannilloMaria Letizia VitaleLa risoluzione dei problemi è un’attività che crea difficoltà a molti studenti, indipendentemente dall’ordine scolastico, spesso legate alla fase di comprensione del testo del problema stesso. A tal proposito, abbiamo disegnato un’attività di apprendimento che prevede che gli studenti, a partire da alcuni problemi assegnati, individualmente e poi in maniera collaborativa, ne analizzino dapprima criticamente il testo per poi affrontarne la risoluzione. Abbiamo sperimentato tale attività con studenti del primo anno di una scuola secondaria di secondo grado. L’analisi dei dati mostra che l’attività didattica progettata sembra essere efficace nel favorire l’attivazione di adeguati processi risolutivi da parte degli studenti, nonché la produzione di argomenti a sostegno delle risposte fornite. In particolare, la maggior parte degli studenti, dopo aver lavorato sulla comprensione del testo, migliora la correttezza delle risposte e/o produce argomenti a supporto delle stesse.8 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Funding 13 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
opportunity.listelement.badge - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Development and Validation of SI Combustion Models for Natural-Gas Heavy-Duty Engines(2019) ;Lorenzo Sforza ;Tommaso Lucchini ;Giovanni GianettiGianluca D'Errico12 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication DSpace 7 - Enhanced Submission & Workflow(2019-11-26) ;Digilio, Giuseppe ;Cortese, ClaudioBollini, AndreaThe last two years have been very intense for the DSpace community. A great effort has been put into finalizing the development of a DSpace release, 7.0, which has many changes from previous releases, particularly with regard to UI technology. As part of the activities related to the creation of DSpace 7, particularly innovative is the submission and workflow process that can be associated with the different collections. The presentation will provide a deep dive into the new Enhanced Submission and Workflow features of DSpace 7, including how to configure, customize & use this feature (and differences with DSpace 6 and below)14